3:48 AM

A Surreal Photo Album of Relationship

Sarah and Thad Lawrence use Photoshop to create a hilarious photo album that records their relationship in a surreal form. The couple's light-hearted take on their marriage includes a shot of Sarah vacuuming her husband up.

Thad, a professional photographer, said: "It's the roller coaster ride of relationships - sometimes you are head-over-heels, and then the next moment you are tearing one another's hair out".

Thad and Sarah met at university in 2002 and have been married for two-and-a-half years. They run their own photography business in Durham, North Carolina, USA.

The shots were inspired by a project on photosharing website Flickr, which challenged photographers to take one picture for every day of the year. Sarah and Thad spend days planning their images and then up to 24 hours perfecting the finished product.

Thad said: "We wanted to document all the changes that may have taken place, whether it be our hair, clothes, where we lived, where we travel - to be able to say that we have physical documentation of a whole year of our lives is amazing. Doing it together is often what makes it so fun".

"The inspiration behind the photographs come from everyday occurrences, conversations, phrases, proverbs, feelings - anything that happens in life. Usually we have an idea of what we want to create. We bounce ideas off of each other, or hear a common phrase, and it just snowballs from there".

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You can see more of their work at the website for their photography business, or at Sarah or Thad's Flickr pages.

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